An Innovate Legal Online Virtual Meetup

Brainstorming and Choosing New Ideas for Your Law Firm

Learn how to brainstorm and choose the best ideas, processes, and tech to implement at your firm in this Innovate Legal Online Meetup.
Learn how to effectively brainstorm and decide on new ideas to level up your firm.

In this meetup, you’ll brainstorm ideas, processes, and technologies—and learn how to zero in on the ones that will help you seize opportunities to modernize your firm. Mike Whelan, author of Lawyer Forward, will share tips and tools for effective brainstorming, and will discuss the importance of testing out an idea to minimize risk. Justie Nicol, Partner at Nicol Gersch Petterson, will also join us to discuss her process for choosing innovative ideas at her law firm, and the results she has seen.  

Homework: After narrowing down an idea to test, you can try out the Legal Innovation Canvas from Designing Your Law Firm’s New Normal, an e-book by Mike Whelan.


Meetup Overview:

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Mike Whelan


Author of Lawyer Forward: Finding Your Place in the Future of Law

Mike Whelan is an author and communications strategist for the legal industry. His book, Lawyer Forward: Finding Your Place in the Future of Law, helps lawyers turn self-acceptance into a business model. You can learn more about the book at and connect with Mike on Twitter and LinkedIn at mikewhelanjr.

Justie Nicol


Nicol Gersch Petterson

Justie Nicol is a feisty, red-headed, nerdy, dog & toddler mom, with a variety of legal experience who’s actually a PERSON (human first, then attorney) and who wants to GENUINELY HELP her clients. Justie practices primarily criminal defense work but is also well-known for innovation, systems-design, and using legal tech to achieve great results for the firm and her clients. She welcomes questions at any time via email to


photo of Teresa Matich
Teresa Matich

Senior Content Strategist


Teresa Matich is an experienced legal tech writer and editor. She’s the editor of the Clio Blog, and has written for publications such as GP Solo, Legal Technology Today, and Above the Law. She’s also interviewed dozens of practicing lawyers and leading legal industry thinkers, including Preet Bharara and Bryan Stevenson.