Improve your law firm’s marketing approach, reach potential clients, and take your social media to the next level
Join this law firm marketing and social media session on May 27, 2020, as part of our series of Innovate Legal May Meetups featuring best practices, tools, advice, and networking to help your firm navigate the COVID-19 crisis and emerge stronger on the other side.
This meetup will feature a panel of legal and marketing professionals who will share advice on how to improve your firm’s marketing and social media efforts. The session will be moderated by Emma Raimi-Zlatic, Clio’s Affinity Program Manager, and the panel will include Heather Hazelwood of Ampersand Law and Mark Homer, CEO of GNGF, who will offer tools and tips to help you reach more prospects online.
This session will also include a Q&A portion where participants can ask questions and share their own experiences and tips; opportunities for peer networking via the live chat platform; and the chance to win a Fujitsu ScanSnap Scanner.
Meetup Overview
- A virtual platform for learning and engagement among legal professionals
- Hosted by Clio’s Affinity Team, with panelists Heather Hazelwood and Mark Homer
- Duration: 1 hour (30 minutes of panel discussion + 30 minutes of Q&A and networking)