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How to Plan for an Automation Project

Learn how to decide what part of your firm to automate first in this Innovate Legal Online Meetup with legal professionals.

Clio Resource

How to Automate the Court Filing Process

Learn how to file and serve court documents efficiently in this Innovate Legal Online Meetup with leading legal professionals.

Clio Resource

How to Automate Client Intake Workflows

Learn how to optimize your intake process to create a better client experience in this Innovate Legal Online Meetup.

Clio Resource

Law Firm Profit Sharing Formulas and Compensation Models

While there is no “best” compensation formula that will work for every firm, there are many innovative frameworks to consider. Including profit sharing formulas,…

Article 7 minutes well spent
graphic symbolizing law firm profit sharing formulas

Everything You Need to Know About Law Firm Revenue

Understanding and prioritizing revenue can set your firm up for success, growth, and, ultimately, increase profitability—read this blog to learn more.

Article 8 minutes well spent
Image shows money/revenue

Buying Guide: The Best Laptops for Lawyers in 2024

Thinking of buying a new laptop? We’ve rounded up a list of the best laptops for lawyers to help you choose the right one…

Article 14 minutes well spent
best laptop for lawyers

Alternative Fee Arrangements for Law Firms: 9 Examples

Billing by the hour has its place, but it shouldn’t be the default. These nine examples of alternative fee arrangements can benefit your firm…

Article 13 minutes well spent
law firm partner salaries

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