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How Law Firm Administrators Can Streamline New Tech Implementation

Knowing when to adopt new tech at a law firm takes research and planning—and law firm administrators can help. Read this post to learn…

Article 9 minutes well spent
how law firm admins can spearhead change

How to Become a Legal Project Manager

Want to learn more about legal project management—and if legal project management jobs could be right for you as an alternative law career? Read…

Article 9 minutes well spent
Illustration of a woman organizing shapes on a shelf, representing a legal project manager

AI in Law: Transforming Legal Practices

The idea of artificial intelligence can seem scary. But thankfully, there’s no “lawyer AI” coming to take your job. Learn how AI can help…

Article 10 minutes well spent
Image of a robotic arm, holding a gavel, representing the idea of lawyer AI.

What’s Trending on the Clio App Directory: How to Become a Pro Marketer with Clio's App Integrations

Join this free webinar to learn how Clio’s app integrations help law firms improve marketing and demand generation.

Clio Resource

A Busy Law Firm's Guide to Automation

Join this free webinar to learn how automation can increase productivity at your law firm—and how to choose the right legal technology to implement…

Clio Resource

A Guide to Dropbox for Lawyers

Curious about using Dropbox as a lawyer? We answer common questions lawyers have about Dropbox, including security, the pros and cons of using Dropbox…

Article 6 minutes well spent
Evaluating Legal Software

How to Track Time with a Billable Hours Chart

Are you tracking your billable hours efficiently? Learn how a billable hours chart can help—and how practice management software can make time tracking even…

Article 5 minutes well spent
billable hours chart

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