Why Legal Peace Solicitors wish they switched from Leap to Clio “sooner”

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Legal Peace Solicitors

Legal Peace Solicitors

  • 2022

    Year Founded
  • 5-10

    Number of Staff
  • 2023

    Started Using Clio
  • Bromley, UK

  • Mixed

    Fee Types
  • Litigation

    Practice Areas

For solicitor, Jeanine Harry, delivering excellent service and more affordable representation to her civil litigation clients is of paramount importance—and running her firm efficiently is key to providing the high level of client care that is her standard.

“We pride ourselves on our customer service. If you look at our Google reviews, they all say we’re good at client care.”

When starting her new law firm, Legal Peace Solicitors in March of 2022, Jeanine made sure to implement practice management software. While the software she initially chose wasn’t the right fit for the firm, she was not deterred. In March of 2023, Jeanine migrated the firm to Clio from Leap.

Since making the move to Clio, Jeanine’s firm has been able to operate more efficiently. This has helped Legal Peace Solicitors improve collections, bring in more revenue, and most importantly free up more time to focus on clients.

“Clio is so much more user-friendly. Now, everything we do through Clio saves us several hours a day.”

Searching for a simpler, more user-friendly solution

Prior to switching to Clio, Jeanine found her previous system somewhat restrictive and overly complicated for the firm’s needs.

Within a month of starting with her previous software, Jeanine realised that the firm would see more benefit from a simpler solution.

“I needed something a little bit more user-friendly. Something cheaper as well, and something that staff could easily pick up without a lot of training.”

Despite voicing early on that she had issues with the previous software and that it wasn’t an ideal fit, Jeanine effectively had to wait out her one-year contract with them.

For a new start-up practice like Legal Peace Solicitors, spending a year without the right legal software wasted law firm time, money, and growth potential.

“It just wasn’t right for the firm. The previous case management system wasn’t right for my firm. I needed a system much easier to use”

Clio offered a straightforward and supportive alternative

Jeanine was drawn to Clio’s legal software and its ease of use, functionality, and customer support, but she still had some initial hesitations about making a switch.

“One of the things I was worried about, which is why I didn’t do it earlier, was moving everything over—because I thought it was going to be so much hassle.”

However, working with Clio’s migration team to securely migrate the firm’s data was easy for Jeanine, as Clio took over the process and handled it with care.

“Clio put me at ease. It was a simple process. I hardly had to do anything.”

Onboard to Clio with a smooth transition

The ability to learn how to fully use her practice management software without additional costs, and at her own convenience—was also an important factor in Jeanine’s decision to switch to Clio.

While she had to pay extra for scheduled, time-consuming training sessions for her previous software, training for Clio is provided and included in the price.

“I just wanted something much more simple, where I could just kind of do the training in my own time as well, because it was a bit restrictive in terms of when the training could be done during the day, when I’m supposed to be working during the day.”

Moreover, Clio’s abundance of resources and training links available online suited Jeanine and her staff by giving them the flexibility to learn Clio in their own time. 

“It was a really simple onboarding process. Had I known it was going to be that simple, I probably would have switched sooner.”

Support with no delays, so you don’t wait days

Having a need for assistance is normal with any software, but having to wait days to get a response to a question can be extremely frustrating. It can also be detrimental to productivity.

Unfortunately, Jeanine’s package with her previous software did not include live chat, and she found that she lost time waiting for help. “I remember having to wait days for someone to respond.”

In contrast, Clio’s 24/5 customer support, which is available via phone, email, or live chat. Jeanine states that Clio’s “support system has been key” in helping resolve any issues straightaway—allowing her to get back to working on what matters more quickly.

“I’ve had a couple of times where I’ve needed help, so I go onto Clio’s live chat, sometimes I’m working late at night, and they answer straight away. And every single time it has been resolved. Every single time. So the customer service, for me, is really good and much better than Leap.”

Let Clio be your mathematician

Having visibility and being able to track law firm performance are essential for effective law firm management, but pulling these numbers can traditionally be quite time-consuming for solicitors.

Clio’s reports, however, make it easy for Jeanine to keep track of key metrics related to firm productivity.

“The reports are really simple to use, and I am no mathematician.”

“Clio is great in terms of reports. I often have to download reports, to understand my staff and to see how the firm is doing in terms of fees, and how much is outstanding from clients.”

Client-focussed features

Clio also includes a variety of features that make it easier and more convenient for Jeanine and her clients to communicate and upload documents. Jeanine noticed many of her law firm’s workflows and processes—such as those for capturing client’s data or handling enquiries, became smoother and more efficient. This has translated into significant time savings for the firm.

“Clio always keeps the client first. It’s easy for our clients to upload and easy to change documents and standard precedents through Clio’s online portal.”

Effortless email syncing through Outlook

Since switching to Clio, one key area of improvement Legal Peace Solicitors instantly saw was email filing, with Clio Jeanine has cut down on admin time and how long it used to take her to file an email.

Jeanine struggled to get emails to sync to her previous legal software. This meant valuable time spent on additional administrative work, as Jeanine estimates she had to spend an extra 15 minutes per client to ensure everything was in the previous software system.

“Now that I’ve got Clio, we can easily file our emails through the Outlook integration which is a much smoother process than before, with Clio, it’s just instant.”

Set your up successfully with Clio’s integrations

Another way that Clio has helped Legal Peace Solicitors save time is with useful integrations. Clio’s library of over 100+ integrations allows users to connect Clio with other apps for added functionalities and smoother workflows. This potential for a wide array of integrations was important for Jeanine when researching legal software options.

“So that was one of the things I looked at in terms of the integrations that Clio has. And I knew Clio was one of the ones with the most integrations.”

“I’ve made a mistake before with the wrong case management system. I really did some research into Clio, and that was one of the things that attracted me to it because we already had Xero. I didn’t want to have to change accounting systems as well.”

Get paid faster with Clio Payments

Since adopting Clio, Jeanine’s firm has already seen noticeable results related to the firm’s financial success. Specifically, Clio Payments makes it easier for clients to pay, which means that the firm gets paid faster.

“Before, we would wait weeks to get paid sometimes, now our collection rate has increased by 50%, not only are we getting the money, but we’re getting it more quickly.”

Similarly, the firm’s revenue is also on the rise.

“We definitely have increased our revenue, because Clio Payments has made it easier for us to get paid and we are getting paid much more quickly.”

When asked how Clio Payments helped the firm drive positive improvements in collections and revenue, Jeanine explained, “now everyone pays by card” so having a payment link on invoices makes the firm look more professional, while also making it simpler for clients to pay promptly in a way that’s convenient for them.

Getting set up on Clio Payments, from the law firm’s perspective, was a quick process, and changed the game for Legal Peace Solicitors.

“It was so easy. I literally set it up within minutes. Clio Payments has changed the game for us.”

Beyond the increase in profitability, Jeanine says that switching to Clio has allowed her and her team to spend less time trying to figure out their software. Instead, they can spend more time on legal client work.

“As the owner of a law firm, I don’t want to be bothered with the whole admin stuff. I just want to service my clients and do what I’m good at. And Clio has allowed me to take back more time to do that.”

Jeanine’s advice for law firms

After her experience moving from another legal software, Jeanine offers some encouragement for other law firms considering making a switch to Clio.

“Go for it. Especially if you’re looking for something user-friendly and for a case management system that has excellent customer service.”

For Jeanine, having Clio as a foundation for her firm has been a benefit. In fact, without Clio, Jeanine says that the firm would look a lot less profitable.

“Moving to Clio has definitely been a good move for us, we would be a lot less profitable if we hadn’t moved.”

Thinking of switching your practice management system?

Schedule a demo today to learn more about how Clio is the software for your firm.

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