

Make your real estate closings more profitable
Available in the United States
Starting at $39 per month USD

Key benefits for your firm

  • Make your real estate closings more profitable

    Generate Closing Disclosures (CD), HUDs, 1099-S and ALTA statements.
  • Automate complex real estate calculations

    Prorations, cash to close, government recording charges and other required calculations.
  • Ledger balancing and check printing

    Balance your ledger, add transactions, print checks and export to QuickBooks.

How Docketman works with Clio

  • Import Matters, Contacts and Custom Fields into Docketman from Clio

    Docketman is tightly integrated with Clio.

    Matters and contacts can be imported and any documents generated are automatically uploaded to your Clio matter.

    You are able to map custom Clio fields to fields in Docketman.

Ready to improve your workflow with Docketman and Clio? Get Started

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Helpful resources

  • Getting set up

    If you need detailed instructions on connecting Docketman to Clio, you may visit this site.

  • Security and privacy policy

    We are committed to protecting your privacy.
    View Docketman’s privacy policy, terms of service and security policy.

  • Additional support

    Contact Docketman’s support at