

Your digital platform for dispute resolution
Available in the United States
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Starting at $50 per month USD

Key benefits for your firm

  • Turn your cases into online matters

    Immediation allows you to bulk upload your cases and evidence from Clio, schedule matters in our digital legal conference environment and sync back to Clio on conclusion.
  • Resolve your cases quicker by co-drafting the agreement

    Utilize Immediation's co-drafting function to pen your agreement and our built-in eSignature integration to execute it. Then sync it all back to your Clio account.
  • Let's get seamless

    Instead of pushing documents around between multiple standalone systems, get integrated and save time and complexity.

How Immediation works with Clio

  • As simple as logging in.

    Once your Immediation administrator approves the Clio integration for your organization, simply connect to Clio from your Immediation profile and start creating online matters.

Ready to improve your workflow with Immediation and Clio? Get Started

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