

Move matters forward with Clio x Lupl
Available in Europe, the United States
Starting at $59 per month USD

Key benefits for your firm

  • Cut email and meetings

    Bring your Clio Manage information into Lupl’s shared workspace for communication, collaboration, and legal project management.
  • Keep your team in the loop

    With a Clio tab in Lupl, your team will always have access to billing and other important matter information without toggling systems. With access control, only users with access to the matter in Clio can see the dashboard in Lupl.
  • Jump seamlessly between systems

    With quick deep links, you can jump right from your Lupl workspace into the relevant Clio matter.

How Lupl works with Clio

  • Connect Lupl to one or more Clio matters
    When you open a new matter workspace in Lupl’s collaboration platform, you can connect it to a Clio matter so that relevant matter information is always at hand.
Ready to improve your workflow with Lupl and Clio? Get Started

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